Monday, June 9, 2008

Nate & I's Adventure!!!

Wow, where do I even begin with this? Well, as I said before a few of the students were on a short walk with one of the professors on the beach. Everything was fine, until Nate looked at me and said, "hey, you wanna go out there with me?" And, without hesitation, I said yes. Before the story, you must know that rock was probably 50 yards out in the ocean and was made of sharp coral. With this knowledge, we began our journey. Everything was fine, until the first big wave, which resulted in Nate losing not one, but two of his flip-flops. Even though he was faced with adversity, he continued on. We finally made it to the coral and then a huge wave came in and sweep me away. After a few seconds to regain my position I was able to meet Nate up on the coral. Finally, we made it! However, as we began to celebrate our achievement, the biggest wave I had ever seen covered the entire coral - including us! As you can see above, I really had to use an athletic stance, just to stand up. After a few minutes out there, we decided we had enough and made our way back to the coast. Looking back, it was one of the funniest parts of the trip, even though I had to endure a few bumps and bruises.

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